#Together4SDG4 Social Media Toolkit

Hashtag: #Together4SDG4

This toolkit provides social media posts that your organisation can use after signing the joint statement in support of education to encourage others to learn about the statement and join the initiative.

Spread the Word

  • Share content that informs fellow funders about this statement using the hashtag #Together4SDG4
  • Share the social media posts provided in this toolkit as your posting schedule allows
  • Connect with us on social media:
  • Don’t forget to tag the organisations that have collaborated on the statement in your posts: @norrag, @GPforEducation and @GEMReport.

Sample Posts


We believe in collective impact. That’s why we are one of many philanthropic actors who have signed the statement in support of education at the Transforming Education Summit.
???? https://bit.ly/TES-statement
#Together4SDG4 #TransformingEducation
@oecd_centre #NetFWD @IEFGnetwork


Philanthropic organisations play a key role in transforming education. We’ve signed the statement supporting education at the UN Transforming Education Summit: https://bit.ly/TES-statement
#Together4SDG4 #TransformingEducation
@IEFGnetwork & @oecd_centre #NetFWD


Have you heard about the joint statement by philanthropic actors in support of education at the upcoming #TES
???? Check it out: https://bit.ly/TES-statement
#Together4SDG4 @IEFGnetwork & @oecd_centre #NetFWD


LinkedIn & Facebook

– Philanthropic Actors in Support of Education at the TES –

As a member of the philanthropic community working for education, we are taking the opportunity of the Transforming Education Summit (https://www.un.org/en/transforming-education-summit) to underscore our commitment to support the transformation of education systems and join our voice to those of students, young people, teachers, civil society, governments, funders and other education actors who are concerned that Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) will not be met. To reverse this trend and make urgently needed progress towards equitable and quality education for all, we commit to using our convening power at the local and the global level to:

1️⃣ Listen and learn from education stakeholders

2️⃣ Consolidate and expand the knowledge base

3️⃣ Improve the efficiency and alignment of our support

4️⃣ Build sound partnerships within and beyond the education philanthropy community

Our organisation believes in collective impact, which is why we signed the statement to support education at the TES (https://bit.ly/TES-statement). All signatories speak as one voice for the first time and stand ready to contribute to the mobilisation of resources and to support global and in-country efforts to transform education in support of Agenda 2030 and beyond.

We encourage our education partners in the international development community to (a) work closely with philanthropies and fund alongside them to ensure the advancement of SDG 4, including in follow-up actions to TES and collaboration within the renewed Global Cooperation Mechanism for education, and (b) t0 capitalise on the contribution of philanthropy to sustainable development going forward.

#education #opportunity #community #philanthropy #statement

International Education Funders Group (IEFG) OECD Development

Philanthropic organisations play a key role in transforming education. This is why we’ve signed the statement supporting education at the UN Transforming Education Summit (https://bit.ly/TES-statement) and commit to using our convening power at the local and the global level to:

1️⃣ Listen and learn from education stakeholders

2️⃣ Consolidate and expand the knowledge base

3️⃣ Improve the efficiency and alignment of our support

4️⃣ Build sound partnerships within and beyond the education philanthropy community

#education #opportunity #community #philanthropy #statement

International Education Funders Group (IEFG) OECD Development


Dear Colleague,

I would like to draw your attention to a joint statement by philanthropic funders in support of education at the upcoming Transforming Education Summit in New York. We are one of the signatories and think your organisation could be interested; this is the first time that so many of us have committed to the same actions. By adding our organisation’s name to the list of fellow funders, we have joined our voice to those of students, young people, teachers, civil society, governments, funders and other education actors who are concerned that Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) will not be met.

The International Education Funders Group (IEFG), OCED netFWD and the OECD Development Centre facilitate this funder-driven initiative and strive to spread the word as far and wide as possible so please feel free to share the statement with your network. 

Warm regards,