IEFG members support efforts to improve education in low- and/or middle-income countries. Our interests cover early childhood through to secondary education, as well as non-formal education, youth and skills, and adult education. In recognition of the lifelong learning continuum of SDG4, we also welcome new members who focus on tertiary education as long as this is not their sole focus in education. Much of our work aims to support the education targets set out in the Sustainable Development Goals and Education 2030.
IEFG members fund in one or more countries, have an explicitly stated focus in education, and must be one of the types of grantmaking entities listed below:
- Private independent foundations
- Operating foundations whose grantmaking supports programs other than those operated by the foundation itself or associated chapters or entities
- Public and community foundations whose primary activity is grantmaking and dedicate over 50% of their budget to making grants to multiple organizations
- Faith-based grantmaking programs whose grantmaking is open to multiple organizations and not restricted to a specific religious group
- Corporate foundations and giving programs, provided they are not connected to the business mandate (beyond location). (CSR programs are accepted in exceptional cases, but there are other education networks that may be more helpful to you.)
- Charitable trusts
- Institutional and private philanthropic advisors who are actively engaged in grantmaking
- Family foundations
Grantmaking institutions must meet the following criteria:
- Grants are made for charitable purposes.
- Grants total at least US $50,000 per year to improve education in low- and/or middle-income countries. Grants made are to carry out activities or support organizations located in those countries. For grantmaking institutions located in low and/or middle income countries, direct grants must total at least $25,000 per year.
- Grants are open to multiple individuals or organizations.
- Grantmaking is the main component of the organization’s mission and accounts for at least 55% of the total annual budget.
- The majority of funding comes from non-government sources.
- Organizations whose principal purpose is marketing are not eligible for membership.